Dear Sir/Madam

A note of thanks for your service

I am sure you will be aware that for the past four years Park Care Meals have provided a daily service to my father, Les Allen at ********, Edlington. throughout this period dad has received the support required to be able to conyinue to live independently despite suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. As you will be aware from my recent telephone call dad’s condition is now such that he requires twent-four hour care and he is now in a permanent resident at Stenson Court.

His change in circumstances has brought to an end the service you have provided for him and i wanted to take this opputunity to say thank you for all you have done over the past four years. i cannot over state how important the delivery of dad’s meal was to him, because of his illness it was probably the most important event of his day, so the efficiency of your service was crucial to his well being. You never let him down. he always enjoyed his meal, the person who delivered it was always pleasant and polite, and it was invariably on time, evety day whatever the weather. From our perspective we knew we could always rely on you even, as became more regularly the case, if he did not attend day care we could call you late morning and a meal wuld still be delivered. Nothing seemed too much trouble.

We would very much appreciate it if you would pass on our thanks to all your team. The outstanding service you have provided for dad has not only been an important part of the quality of his life but your reliability has been a source of great comfort for us also.

Many thanks once again and all the best for the future,

Yours Sincerely,